Wednesday, February 3, 2010

White Collar Event

Day 2, and it takes how many days to make a habit? I think its 14, or maybe 21, obviously I'm not really sure. But hey we are one day closer to making this a habit I know that much. So I'd say its been a successful day.
Just a warning... we let our friend Evan be the art director for todays photo shoot... its interesting...

Don't say I didn't warn you.

One more, just for giggles...

Our lovely photographer also asked if we would have themed days... good idea? or no? Let us know.

Love, Stephanie
(While I was writing this Alexis was playing her Ukulele, in other words not helping at all, I see how this is gonna be)


  1. I love that you actually have on a leotard.

  2. hey stephiee! its your fav sissy! im gonna be looking at the blog everydayy.. well pretty much everyday so keep up the good work!
