Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Our Blogs Birthday! Yay!

Dear Diary,
So Alexis and Stephanie (yep thats us, so from now on if we say "we" you now know who that is) started talking about starting this blog a few weeks ago, and last night Alexis put her foot down and said hey tomorrow we are starting this blog. So here it goes. We contemplated our outfits for our blogs first birthday for hours and we think they were pretty successful. If you don't think so feel free to let us know. Basically the idea behind this blog is to keep us on our fashion toes. Now whoever reads this blog will be able to call us out on wearing the same outfit and we will be super embarrassed, so if you were trying to decide whether to follow this blog or not, I say the opportunity to mock us for our fashion is cause enough. So here they are, our first outfits of our fashion diary...

Tuesday Free Bowling! What a way to celebrate! Oh yeah and we found our matching bowling balls, Alexis's was like 0.2 milligrams and Stephanie's was like 5000 tons, so that explains that.

Moving on to what's underneath the coats...

Yea not really sure how to explain this one.

Or this one.

Any whoo we hope that you follow us on our fashion journey. We will try to keep it interesting. Not sure if it will work out but we sure are going to try.

Alexis & Stephanie


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ah yay. you better keep this up because I am going to check it often.
