Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Where are you spring?

Happy Hump Day! Yea I never say that, but there is a first time for everything. So there it was! Woah you know what I just realized... its been a week and a day since our first blog entry! Ah! So exciting!
Look at us and our paisley and floral outfits. I think we were both thinking spring when we woke up this morning. I thought the ground hog said warm weather would be coming soon. And Im waiting. Not patiently however. But it was quite cold today, so our spring thoughts were only merely translated into our outfits.

This is our most normal photo...
Another somewhat normal one... Although it seems like we are in pain from holding our legs up.

And now due to my roommate Anna's suggestion we attempted to fit in the dryers. Too bad we didn't fit. It was warm kinda warm in there though.

Can you see Alexis? She thinks she is camouflaging into the dryers. Not so much. I'd also like to point out that Nicholas (ps it should not be spelled with an 'h' since you never call him Nich, but we should all start spelling it that way) Collingwood gave me these tights.

Lets all do a spring dance. If that isn't a thing, its basically like the rain dance but more jolly. :)

Love, Steph and Alexis

1 comment:

  1. Next time you guys make clothes...I insist on being the photographer for promotional fashion design photography.

    LOVE the one of yall in the dryer...peculiarly inspiring
