Sunday, March 7, 2010

Garden Party...

Fireworks on the river...

As our photographer Alex pointed out there is one with flash and one without flash, its a good thing he told us Im not sure we would've figured it out on our own. Although slightly blurry, I like the without flash one, since you can see the bridge in the background. Oh shoot I just gave away which one was the flash one and which one wasn't, and I bet you were all confused.

Today Jordi got baptized! And we had a little garden party in celebration of her baptism. Temperatures in the 60's and a garden party, spring is on its way. And you know what that means, spring clothes! Florals, colors and pretty dresses here we come. So there were a ton of pictures, but I had to be selective and choose just a few...

These two were my favorite of the day. Perfect garden party attire. Plus I mean complimentary colors, and her purse is the same color as his shirt. Come on! So perfect!

Rae and Becky have convinced me with their outfits that I need to buy some grey tights. So cute!

Well aren't they adorable.

Alright so on to these pictures, I had a very hard time finding a normal picture of us. And for those of you who weren't present I've got some explaining to do. First of all Alexis's jacket caused much commotion, Amy thought it looked like robotic jellyfish, others thought it looked like some sort of video game, I thought it looked like pixelated flowers. However, the general consensus was that her jacket looked like a piece of cheese...

Pretty similar, right?

Anyway the cheese was then in hand as we went to take our blog pictures, which proved to be not a good situation. Josh decided that he would take the place of photography assistant and took it upon himself to make sure we had natural smiles. To do this he preceeded to throw cheese at us. Meanwhile, Alex snapped away. Needless to say I have upwards of 20 photos of cheese being thrown at us, and in barely any of them do we look normal. As Alexis decided to hide and duck away from the flying cheese, and I decided to try and catch it in my mouth. So here is what I came up with to show you...

The jackets come off, and the models come out.

Now its time to hit the homework, hard and finish this week strong. And tonight hopefully watching the Oscars. Maybe Alexis and I will post our favorite dresses from the evening. That would be kinda a fun thing to do. But I just said maybe, so don't hold me to it.

Love. Love. Love

Love, Steph and Alexis

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